Our Impact in Words
From a Resident
I am so thankful for you and Lifehouse and for your love and support through this meaningful process. I am so eager to start attending college next week, an opportunity I would have never known about had it not been for Lifehouse. this is the beginning to breaking the generational cycle of unproductive behavior within my family and paving a road of gold to success and glory for God and my beloved daughter (she is now a college graduate and a corporate trainer).
From a Resident
First of all, I can’t even tell you how thankful I am that I am in Lifehouse. God has really used this place to turn my life around. I have kept my job, I am able to have a stable placement, great environment with loving people and a lot of help and support. By being here I also am able to raise my son and teach him how to learn about Jesus and teach him how to follow the right path. Thank you God for all you have done for us and for bringing Lifehouse into our lives.
From Another Mother
To everyone who had an influence on my daughter, in the name of Christ, Thank You!!! thank you for your kindness, your guidance, your sternness, your teaching, the love that you showed her despite her rejection of it at times. Today I see the fruits of your labor and I want to say thank you!!

From the Mother of a Teenager Who Was Pregnant
Words can not express what a blessing all of you have been to my family. When after several dozen rejected phone calls for help, I felt I had nowhere else to turn, then I was told about Lifehouse and you were there. For that, I am eternally grateful.
We Love You Dearly
We Love you dearly and hold each and every Lifehouse Staff deeply in our hearts.
Wow! Is all that I can say, because my mind is still at work trying to wrap around the many blessings God has sent our way.
Amina and I have been blessed beyond expectations and the love that each of you have for us has shown through with great magnitude, a true reflection of the love Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for blessing my little Angel, Amina by choosing her as one of the children to be sponsored by Louisville Pharmacy. My oh my, was she ever blessed. She has been given gifts that I could never have given her. Yet God is so amazing, full of grace and love, that He made what would have been an unimaginable experience an experience that I will forever hold in my heart.
Thank you Lifehouse for all that you do, and will do in the years to follow.
My prayer is that more and more women (and men) are empowered by the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and the chain of poverty, due to the overstimulating growth of women becoming pregnant out of wed-lock is broken. By saving one mother and child at a time, as Lifehouse does, this can become reality. Because each woman that exits these doors will be empowered and can empower others with the love you have shown us.
Please continue to become blessings to others as you have been to my daughter and I.
Love Always,
Amina & Nikki
A Blessing For A New Life
I’m so thankful to God and to the Lifehouse Program’s staff. These past months were very sad and harmful for me. During this time I felt like the world was about to fall in around me. I used to cry every day and night because of the problems that I was getting into. You see, I’m pregnant and I’ve been through many hard things. I never thought I would get help, but one never knows about unexpected blessings.
One Wednesday morning I was about to step into an abortion clinic for women, even though I didn’t want to. I didn’t, thanks to the words of a precious woman names Anger Minter. After speaking with her, my feelings towards my unborn child grew stronger. That’s why I felt brave enough to cross the street, go against my family’s wishes and go into A Woman’s Choice.
A Woman’s Choice is a place that helps pregnant women in their time of need. Thanks to another lady I met there, Mrs. Lynn, I would see my baby for the first time through an ultrasound. I felt so special because she was encouraging me to give life, something that is unforgettable.
Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Angela helped me the best way they could. They brought me to a wonderful place called Lifehouse. There, my baby and I are going to be taken care of. It is a place that pregnant girls and young mothers can live until they are on their own. Everyone there pitches in to cook, clean and take care of the chores. We are like family. We have movie night, and game night. We also have bible study every Wednesday. On the weekend I can go to my own home, or I can have visitors if there is no activity. I’ve only there a few days, but I’ve already received help from the people who work at the Lifehouse. They already have me attending school and looking forward to my future as a mother. Hopefully, there are more blessings on the horizon.
This is my story. I hope you understand and believe that God is good and he never leaves you alone. He is always with you and when you need his help he will always find the best way to fix your problem. I learned that it if you ask for God’s help, he will help no matter what your situation may be.
Give It a Chance and Give It Time
Sarah found out about Lifehouse from the Bullitt County Health Department when she was seeking Health Insurance for a broken ankle. She was also pregnant and essentially homeless, living with friends and family. They provided her with three numbers to call, one of which was Lifehouse.
Even though she called in the evening, she was thankful that Joan was still there. Joan set up a meeting the next day, and she moved into Lifehouse the following week. At that point she was 13 weeks pregnant. Lifehouse was able to help her navigate through the insurance hurdles.
She had a baby girl who is now 9.5 months old and is amazing. She is all over the place, extroverted, unlike her mom who is more quiet. She loves to dance, is into everything, and usually happy “unless hungry or teething”. She has started pulling herself up recently.
Sarah was a bit scared the first week, being in a new place, and having to learn the various personalities. However, the second weekend, her dad visited her, and gave her pregnancy books and books with baby names. He said he was proud of her for coming there, and she was able to move forward then.
Learning to get along without sleep was difficult at first. It took a couple of months for her baby to sleep through the night. And this added to some of the postpartum effects. But Lifehouse was able to recognize what was happening and help her through it.
The Lifehouse program participants take turns cooking dinner. They’re on their own for breakfast and lunch, and one person will own the cooking task for a week at a time. Everyone helps clean up after the meal.
The most rewarding part of being there? “I love seeing my baby smile or discovering something new. Sometimes she even mimics her mom, like the way she points her finger!” Sarah is also thankful for the other women there who truly understand where she has been. They’re also there to help with the baby if she needs to take a nap or is sick. She is grateful that they are in a safe, protected place.
Sarah is 28 years old, works two days a week, is in college and is studying computer maintenance. Within five years, she hopes to be finished with school, working at a good job, and have her own home and car.
Her advice – “Don’t expect results to change in a week. Give it a chance and give it time. Lifehouse is an awesome place to get your life back together. My life is completely different from where I was 18 months ago.”
She is looking forward to the new addition that will offer transitional apartments for women who have already had their babies and are ready for the next step.
A Better Parent to My Child
Terri arrived at Lifehouse in February 2013. Her mom found out about Lifehouse online, and Terri subsequently moved to Louisville from Ohio. She was only 18 years old at the time, it was the first time she was away from home, and she was six months pregnant. Her baby girl is now 9 months old. […]
More than a House – It’s a Home
Kelly is 23 years old and mother of a baby boy who is now 10 weeks old. She found out about Lifehouse through a Counselor back in July who saw a reference to the home online and contacted Joan Smith, the Executive Director. Kelly went through an Intake interview with Joan and was relieved to […]
Are We Walking the Talk?
Not too long after I first started working at Lifehouse, I had an interesting conversation with one of our young program participants. I had taken her to an appointment, and afterward we stopped at a nearby grocery store. With our shopping completed and groceries loaded into the car, I looked both ways and began easing out […]